New Yorkers No Longer Required to Wear Masks on Public Transit

Written by obenlegal

September 8, 2022

The Run-Down: As of September 7th, Gov. Kathy Hochul has lifted the city-wide mask mandate, which required riders on NYC public transit to wear masks

  1. Hochul says that while masks are not required anymore, they are still encouraged 
  2. Hochul says this is in response to the changing needs of “all New Yorkers”, citing an MTA rider masking survey that was conducted in April, finding mask wearing had fallen to 64% compliance
  3. The state health department is also lifting the mask mandates for jails, prisons, and domestic violence shelters

Why You Should Care:

Imagine trying to enforce a statewide mandate? Talk about a compliance nightmare. This new covid related announcement comes after 2 full years of living through the up and down waves of the covid pandemic. Mask wearing became a norm for many NYC citizens, while some defied regulations, most became accustomed to the new way of life.

But— as rules and regulations began lifting, with  more businesses reopening, indoor activities rising, and social distancing requirements lessening, most of us felt like we were seeing a bright light at the end of the dark pandemic tunnel.

While proponents of masking feel this is a step in the wrong direction, with winter coming up and predictions for a rise in covid numbers coming with it, opponents feel now is as good a time as any. 

Whether your pro or anti mask, or really don’t care either way, the pandemic proved one thing: compliance ain’t easy.

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